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  • Apple and Caramel Pudding

  • Ingredients

  • 6 oz Self-Raising Flour
    3 oz Suet
    1/4 Salt
    Cold Water to mix
    4 oz Soft brown sugar
    1 oz Butter
    2 L Cooking Apples

  • Method

  • Butter the pudding basin thickly with the ounce of butter, then press in 3 ounces of the sugar.
    Mix the flour, salt and suet together. Add just enough cold water to make a soft. but not sticky dough
    . Do not overwork or you will get tough pastry. Roll out two-thirds of the pastry and line the buttery, sugary basin.
    Slice in the peeled and cored apples. Sprinkle in the last ounce of sugar. Make a circle for a lid with the last of the pastry.
    Moisten the edges to make a firm seal, pinching the two layers of pastry together well. Trim any surplus. Cover with a double layer of greaseproof and steam for two hours. Turn out your pudding for service and a caramel sauce will be coating the outside.

